In this process of marketing myself so that I can promote my book, I have gone back to the platforms of social media sites long forgotten to breathe new life into updated profiles. This brings me to ask; What are your favorite, can’t live without, social media sites? What are the sites that you don’t care about anymore or haven’t even attempted to use? I can say that there are sites out here that I did not even know existed and I thought myself savvy on at least being “in the know” even if I never tried it. I know that people tend to use various sites for different reasons, or to connect with different genres, but when are we “too plugged in?” It is true that with the push of a button you can now post once and connect to multitude of sites simultaneously but to not be viewed as just a poster, never connecting to your followers, it is important to visit the site and read, comment, like, and share. All of this takes time. Time that we are not interacting with the real world, with people right in front of us everyday, the little people that see us, hear their stories while typing or reading at our laptops or phones. I used to be very guilty of this, especially when I was going to school and doing homework. I am better now, but know that it still happens more often than not, and I know it happens to many of you too. So today I challenge each of you to take a moment and turn away from the screen and don’t just hear the person in front of you talking, but truly listen to them. Look at their facial expression as they speak, and if it is one of those little people, see the smile in their eyes as they know you really see them. Then tell me about it, as you share your favorite or least favorite social media site! Be it #facebook #google+ #instagram #twitter
1 CommentWords of Heart, Mind, & Soul